“Did you say Ice Cream Bread? Seriously, I can have my cake and ice cream in one baked bite?!” Yes siree Bob! Three ingredients is all it takes.
Our baking normally involves the consideration of a bovine-dairy free and wheat/gluten free restricted diet. So this adventure began with a pint of LaLoo’s Vanilla Snowflake Goat Milk Ice Cream, 1.5 cups of Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Flour (now available at Costco!) and approximately 2 tsp of baking powder.
Set the pint out on the kitchen counter to melt, once it’s runny add the flour and baking powder. Pour this into a buttered loaf pan and bake at 350 degrees F. until a test toothpick comes out clean. Approximately 20-30 mins. Set the loaf out to cool for a few minutes before turning it out onto a rack to finish cooling to yummy perfection.
Now, you may be looking at the photo above and saying “3 ingredients huh? I see fruit chunkies in that bread.” You would be correct. At the time we took this photo I had added a homegrown diced peach into the mix. It added a wonderful peachy undertone and made for a fond farewell to the riches of our peach harvest.
So next time your ice cream melts, don’t worry – make bread!
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